IJoIS: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Studies
<p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Islamic Studies, </strong>is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by Civiliza Publishing, Indonesia. The journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports field studies and book reviews of islamic studies, social science and humanities (<a href="http://journal.civiliza.org/index.php/ijois/focus" target="_blank" rel="noopener">See Focus and Scope</a>). The articles of this journal are published every six months (2 issues per year)</p> <p>E-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1599639241" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2745-7745</a></p>Civiliza Publishingen-USIJoIS: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Studies2745-7745<p>IJoIS have CC-BY-NC or an equivalent license as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scholarly work</p>Penerapan Metode Crossword Puzzle Dalam Mendukung Motivasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Al-Islam Di SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya
<p>Students in the Islamic Studies learning are expected to comprehend the taught materials so that they are motivated in their learning. To achieve this learning motivation, research was conducted at Muhammadiyah 4 High School in Surabaya, in the XI grade with a total of 26 students. The research utilized the crossword puzzle teaching method to support students' motivation in the subject of Islamic Studies. This study employed qualitative research with descriptive analysis. The research results indicate that the implementation of the crossword puzzle method is able to support students' motivation in the subject of Islamic Studies. This is evidenced by the observations during the learning process and the interview results from the teacher, in line with the learning motivation indicators during the application of the crossword puzzle method in the classroom. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the application of the crossword puzzle method can support students' learning motivation in the subject of Islamic Studies for the XI grade at Muhammadiyah 4 High School in Surabaya.</p>Shokhibul ArifinZulfa Ishlahul Mujtahidah
Copyright (c) 2024 Shokhibul Arifin, Zulfa Ishlahul Mujtahidah
2023-12-172023-12-1742455210.59525/ijois.v4i2.308DAKWAH ISLAM DI ERA MILLENIAL (Studi Pengajian Gus Iqdam Pada Majelis Ta’lim Sabilut Taubah)
<p>Da'wah is the duty of all people. Now da'wah millennial is no longer hindered by space and time, because it can be conveyed and received wherever it is. Technology also influences da'wah activities, one of which is da'wah through social media. One of the media that has developed very rapidly and is favored by mad'u is YouTube, so it is interesting for researchers to conduct a da'wah research using social media. Choosing the da'wah carried out by Gus Iqdam is a research, because he is currently very popular with many people, especially young people. His relaxed and easy-to-understand style, which is synonymous with the Javanese language, made his congregation grow. Of course, this cannot be separated from the social media they have. One that is used is YouTube media with the Gus Iqdam Official channel. By utilizing the YouTube media so that anyone and anywhere mad'u can follow his studies.</p>Muhammad Fikri ‘Ainun Najib
Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Fikri ‘Ainun Najib
2023-12-182023-12-1842536010.59525/ijois.v4i2.312Penerapan Digital Marketing dalam Optimalisasi Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan
<p>This article discusses the importance of digital marketing approach in marketing optimization of education institutions. The article highlights kinds of digital marketing components and its implementation in the marketing strategy, in order to increase its effectiveness and efficiency. The article also discusses seven variables in marketing mix namely products, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence. The article underlines the steps to formulate marketing strategy such as segmentation, targeting, and positioning, while keeping digital marketing mindset in discussing those. The research method used in this article is library research, which involves analyzing and synthetizing existing literature on the topic. The article concludes that having digital marketing approach is important to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of education service marketing.</p>Romdhoni Faiz
Copyright (c) 2023 Romdhoni Faiz